Monday, March 24, 2008

It finally came!

After waiting many months of waiting it finally came! All the goodies I ordered with my grant money arrived! I have slowly added the large items into the classroom with the exception of a large sand/water table. I just don't know where to put it!

We got a nice set of wooden blocks that Chase and Trent are using for a road in this picture:)

We also got 2 low shelves. The blocks do not stack that well so I will get some bins for the odd shaped ones. I love these shelves because they divide up the space, are great for storing manipulatives, and also are just the right height for the children!

Another item we received was this great library book display shelf. This is my favorite item because it got the books out of the 'pool' and up where the children can see the titles. On the back of the shelf is a white board where the children can draw and write.

We also received a nice easel with a double, magnetic white board. I love this because of the storage on the bottom and also because it rolls!

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