The children created an inny puppet and on the outside they either stamped their bags with inny's and/or added pictures with the /i/ sound in them.
One word we focused on this week was insects. We looked at books with insects and discussed what makes an insect. The main characteristics we studied were 3 body parts, 6 legs and 2 antennae. The children looked for insects around their house to bring in for us to study using our magnify glasses. Then we created our own insects using pom-poms and pipe cleaners. Isabel loved everyone's creations and would often say "what a cute little fella!".
Here the children are creating the dirt for their "icky" snack. I gave them some chocolate pudding and a gummi worm. They crushed their orea to make the dirt. It was icky!
Here the children are looking for the 3 body parts, six legs and 2 antennae of the bugs they brought from home.
We also did a sorting activity with pictures of insects and animals.
We also discussed what an inch was. We looked at a ruler and talked about what it was used for. I gave each student some 1 inch squares numbered 1-9. They put them in order and then drew a head on another square to make inny inchworm. We will do other activities dealing with measurement in the future.
Here Addy is sorting her pictures. We also sorted little plastic animals and insects.
We signed up for a leaf exchange this month. We mail out 1-2 leaves(laminated) from our area to everyone on the list and they will mail us a couple of leaves from their area. Here the children and I put together a puzzle of the USA and we pointed to each state as we stamped the envelopes.
I also have this USA map on the wall where we will put a sticker on each state we get a leaf from.
learning objectives: uses different colors, surfaces textures, and shapes to create form and meaning; participates in group activites involving movement; enjoys listening to and responding to books; counts by ones to 10 or higher; gathers information using simple tools; identifies similarities and diffferences amond objects and organisms.
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