The month of December was spent doing fun holiday
activites. We did talk about /l/ and
lizzy lizard a little because the children were talking about our next letter! They love their animal friends! Here are a few pictures of some of our activities!

Making candy cane ornaments with pony beads and pipe cleaners!

Sorting and counting with the number 12.

One of our big projects was making
playdough ornaments to hand out at Popular Creek-an assisted living home in town. Here Kylie and Chase helped me measure and mix the ingredients.

They all had a great time painting and decorating the ornaments!

Here Isabel is decorating her Christmas tree.

Chase and Addy are playing a counting game with numbered stockings. The cards have "presents" on them with a
cooresponding number. They were to match the card with the stockings. We also played addition games with the cards.

For our service project we gathered items to send to the troops fighting to keep us free. The children also colored a picture for the
soldiers to also go in the boxes.

The children practiced singing holiday songs to perform at Popular Creek. They residents were so grateful that the children came and shared some holiday magic with them. Here they are shaking their bells to "Jingle Bells".

The residents love the hugs and ornaments!

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!
learning objectives: experiments with new language sounds; recognizes initial sounds; identifies 10 or more printed letters; predicts what comes next in a patters; combines, separates, and names "how many" concrete objects; predicts what will happen next based on previous experience; uses a variety of material to create original artwork.